Last Christmas…

…my oldest came home from college and wanted to hear our traditional Christmas playlist. It is one we have listened to for years, a mishmash of the classics and silly more modern hits like “Socks”. How old is this playlist? Old enough that it is still on my Ipod. 

This Ipod is always, always kept in a particular drawer. Only, I couldn’t find it! I can’t tell you how many times I pulled open that drawer to look. I tried to recreate the list on Spotify, but of course, it just wasn’t the same. 

Not Again

Fast forward to this past spring, I found it! Huzzah! Then we moved and it moved with us.

In preparation for the upcoming holidays, I wanted to be sure and dig it out, charge it, and have it ready for my sweet boy’s homecoming. Only, darn it, I couldn’t find it AGAIN! 

That’s the thing about moving, you don’t have the same set up as the previous home and have to come up with other storage solutions. See?! I suffer from the same ailment! Fortunately, after checking and rechecking the 2 drawers it SHOULD be in, I found it, in my desk, under some notepads about the same size as the Ipod. Huzzah 2.0! 

Top 5 Tips For Finding Something

As I was trying to think, where else would I have put it, I reflected on a recent podcast from LifeKit and their recommendations for finding lost items.

  1. Relax, so you can widen your scope and stay focused as to where the item might be. It’s hard to focus when you’re panicking.

  2. Identify the qualities (i.e. size, color, texture) of your missing object to make it stand out from the environment.

  3. Search the obvious places–how and why your object might have gotten lost in the 1st place. 

  4. Change your perspective. Don’t just look down, look all around you; above and behind things.

  5. Create a systematic way of searching for your lost object. Divide your room into a grid, search each square thoroughly.

  6. Be persistent.

And If You Still Can’t Find It…

Say a little prayer to the naughty elves that played this irritating trick on you and hope the item is soon returned.

Happy Holidays, Dear Ones

May the Season be filled

with peace, grace, and

everything right where you can find it. 

Let us Clear Out the clutter so you can Breathe In the joy of your home. Call us today for a commentary in-home consultation.



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