October is Upon Us

October is TRANSITION Time

Now that the temperatures have fallen and the leaves are changing, there’s no denying we’re in a new season.

Been Meaning to…

Been meaning to are those projects that you always mean to take care of but for one reason or another, they just remain on the proverbial To Do list.

Projects such as:

  • Switching out warm weather clothes for the colder months

  • Getting a grip on the hall closet so guests can hang their coat and you can find that scarf you love

  • Cleaning out the garage so you can FINALLY park in there and stop brushing snow off the windshield

  • Refreshing entertaining and seasonal decor--More on this in a moment

Step away from the decor aisle

It’s no secret the stores (big box and otherwise) begin the enticement of mindless seasonal spending earlier and earlier every year. Do not be tempted but dinky plastic pumpkins and shoddy faux leaves or a multitude of skeletons. The key here is quality over quantity. Afterall, if the impulse buy survives the season do you have storage space for next year?

Take a moment to go through what you may already have to decorate for the seasons. And if you can’t find it (ask me, I can help come up with a simple storage solution for easy retrieval) or it’s seen better days (see quality over quantity above), think about the shape and maybe color that would work in the space you’re decorating, That way, you’ll be more focused when you inevitably stumble upon the “cutest Santa” and have an idea as to whether you really need it. Afterall, this isn’t to chastise anyone’s fondness for the holidays it is simply a reminder to be mindful and to use the items that bring you true joy when you set them out for all to admire.

Time for a refresh

If you are dreading digging through the seasonal boxes in your basement/garage/attic/closet, have no fear! We are happy to help you with all of your home organizing projects. Whether it’s matching mittens or saying goodbye to holiday inflatables so you can reclaim your space Clear Out Breathe In is here for you!

Here for you

Let us Clear Out the clutter so you can Breathe In the joy of your new home. Call us today for a commentary in-home consultation.



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