Trouble Zones
A new season is upon us. As we shift gears from summer to fall perhaps you feel like your home needs a refresh? If so, read on to control the piles and sashay into autumn.
The Drop Zone
Every home has one. It’s where you quickly dump your purse and packages as you race towards your next task. If you have kids, it’s where they shed everything they brought in with them: backpacks, lunches, sweaty hats, smelly shoes--ok, maybe that’s just my house, but you get the picture.
Any Home Organizer will tell you in order to avoid a cluttered space, every item must have a designated home. In my house, we converted a large cabinet by the back the door for backpacks, coats, sports equipment and the likes. However, does it shock you to hear that often my systems are not consistently followed? It shouldn’t. Life happens.
Personally, I don’t have a problem with such things laying around—up to a point! The secret here is that the items HAVE a place. Specifically, a convenient spot that’s easily accessed. In this photo, shoes are placed in one of the drawers under the window seat. Seasonal items are kept in the second and third drawer (think towels, googles in the summer/hats, gloves in the winter). Backpacks and jackets in the cabinet. Anything else is to be taken to your room.
The Work Zone
How many times have you sat down at your desk to take care of a specific task only to be completely side-tracked by a massive pile of papers covering your workspace? Before you start any task, try clearing off your desk. Having a clear workspace helps to eliminate distractions and focus on the task at hand. Once that task is completed, go through your pile and sort into stacks that make sense to you.
The Supply Zone
If you have kids at home, it’s a good idea to have extra school supplies on the ready. When they’re younger, scissors, glue, crayons, paper, pencils are great to have on hand. Once they’re high school age, items like colored pencils, calculator, compass, and a protractor come in handy. As an adult, I still seem to need access to markers, erasers and a ruler. We have a designated drawer in the kitchen for such things. This is a central spot where my family has easy access to whatever items they may need. If a drawer isn’t available to you, a bin, cart or shelf work well too.